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BOGO: Buy X Get Different Y

This is the classic BOGO promotion, where the user adds a product and gets another product for free or with a discount. Magento has a BOGO rule available out of the box. Howefver, it is limited to quantities of the exact same product. For more information on how to use the Magento BOGO, and what it's limitations, visit our detailed article on this topic.

Promo examples:

  • Buy a watch, get a free bag
  • Buy two jackets, get a free belt
  • Buy a bag, get a belt with a 50% discount

Important! This BOGO action type is intended only for different Buy and Get products. So if you need to create BOGO rule on products of the same group, for example: 1+1 on t-shirts, 2+1 on dresses and so on, please use the "N + M / Each N" rule type.


In the actions list, we have the "BOGO: Buy X Get Different Y" action type -

Buy X get different Y action is being selected in the cart rule configuration.

Once selected, the following fields will show up -

Buy X get different Y fields are shown up empty.

Fields explanation

  • Buy … items – number of X items that the customer needs to buy in order to get the discount on Y items.
  • Buy … items label for cart hints – singular / plural – the name that will show up in the cart hints, representing the “Buy X” items.
  • Items for which ALL of the following conditions are TRUE [top] – the condition that defines the X items.
  • Get the … first – number of Y items that the customer gets discounted per X items.
  • Get the … first … label for cart hints – singular / plural – the name that will show up in the cart hints, representing the “Get Y” items.
  • First cheapest / most expensive items – the order of items by which the discount is getting applied on the Y items.
  • Items for which ALL of the following conditions are TRUE [bottom] – the condition that defines the Y items.
  • With …% discount – the discount percent that will be applied on the Y items.
  • Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To – maximum total quantity of Y items that the discount can be applied to.
  • Maximum Discount Amount – maximum discount amount that customer can get in his cart using this promotion

The X items should be different than the Y items, that is, their conditions shouldn’t collide. Otherwise, the promotion wouldn't work properly.

BOGO: Buy X Get Different Y – Percent Discount


BOGO - percent discount - rule example.

The rule in this example is – “Buy a bag, get a watch for free”. The maximum discount qty is 2, that is, the customer can get up to 2 free watches per order. The items order type is “cheapest”, that is, the watches in cart will be discounted in the order from cheapest to most expensive.

Note: In our example, bag is any product that belongs to category 4 and watch is any product that belongs to category 6.

Cart examples for this rule:

  • Customer has 1 bag and 1 watch (20$) in cart. The discount amount is 20$.
  • Customer has 3 bags, 1 watch (15$) and 2 watches (25$ each) in cart. The discount is 40$. (Since the customer has 3 bags in cart, he can get up to 3 watches for free, but since the “Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To” is 2, he gets only the two cheapest watches (15$ and 25$) for free)

Upsell cart hints example for this rule:

  • Customer has 1 t-shirt in cart. The upsell cart hint is “Add one bag, to get one watch for free!”

BOGO - percent discount -  shopping cart example.

  • Customer has 1 bag in cart. The upsell cart hint is “You can now add one watch for free!”

BOGO: Buy X Get Different Y – Fixed Discount


BOGO - fixed discount - rule example.

The rule in this example is – “Buy 2 T-Shirts, get pants with 10$ discount”. The maximum discount quantity is 1, that is, the customer can get the 10$ discount only one time per order.

Note: In our example, T-Shirt is any product that belongs to category 16 and pant is any product that belongs to category 18.

Cart example for this rule:

Customer has 1 t-shirt in cart. The upsell cart hint is “Add one more t-shirt, to get one pant with $10 discount!”

Upsell cart hints example for this rule:

Customer has 1 t-shirt in cart. The upsell cart hint is “Add one bag, to get one watch for free!”

BOGO - fixed discount -  shopping cart example.

BOGO: Buy X Get Different Y – Fixed Price


BOGO - fixed price - rule example.

The rule in this example is – “Buy 2 red or green items, get 2 yellow items for 1$ each”. The maximum discount qty is 4 and the items order type is “most expensive”, that is the promotion can be applied on maximum 4 most expensive yellow items in cart. Maximum discount amount is 100$.

Cart examples for this rule:

Customer has 4 red items, 4 green items, 1 yellow item (30$), 2 yellow items (40$) and 2 yellow items (50$) in cart. The discount amount is 98$. (Since the customer has 4 red and 4 green items, he can get up to 4 yellow items for 1$, but since the “Maximum discount amount” is 100$, he only gets the first 2 most expensive yellow items for 1$)

  • Customer has 6 red items, 7 green items and 5 yellow items (20$ each) in cart. The discount amount is 76$. (Since the customer has 6 red and 7 green items, he can get up two 6 yellow items for 1$, but since the “Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To” is 4, he only gets the first 4 most expensive yellow items for 1$)

Upsell cart hints example for this rule:

Customer has 1 red t-shirt in cart. The upsell cart hint is “Add one more red or green product, to get 2 yellow products for $1 only each!”

BOGO - fixed discount -  shopping cart example.