This is a Demo Store of the Tiered Coupons Extension.
- An active tiered coupon in the store is "Subtotal discount: between $50 and $100 - 10%, between $100 and $200 - 15%, above $200 - 20%". Try adding some products, then go to the cart and apply the tiered coupon code subtotal-discount. You will get a 10% discount if your subtotal is between $50 and $100, a 15% discount if your subtotal is between $100 and $200, and a 20% discount if your subtotal is greater than $200.
- An active tiered coupon in the store is "10% discount on bags category, 20% discount on watches category". Try adding some bags and some watches. Then try going to the cart and apply the tiered coupon code bags-and-watches. You will get a 10% discount on bags, and a 20% discount on watches!

What's New

Luma's Latest

Just in time for the new season!

  1. Echo Fit Compression Short
    Echo Fit Compression Short
  2. Gwen Drawstring Bike Short
    Gwen Drawstring Bike Short
  3. Fiona Fitness Short
    Fiona Fitness Short
  4. Ida Workout Parachute Pant
    Ida Workout Parachute Pant
    As low as $48.00 Regular Price $48.00
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